On Saturday, October 28th, 2017, students from the professional business fraternity, Delta Sigma Pi, came to Little’s Lake to help make Fall season improvements. Students from both Siena College and University of Albany split up into multiple groups to a variety of projects to improve W.C. Little Memorial Park. The members selected Little’s Lake as their service project for Make A Difference Day, a program run by USA Weekend and the Points of Light Foundation that is hosted on the fourth Saturday of every October since 1992 and is one of the largest annual single-days of service nationwide with a single purpose: to improve the lives of others.
The day started bright and early at 10:00 am where the sixteen volunteers gathered for a complimentary breakfast and to learn about Little’s Lake and their projects for the day. The team of volunteers was divided into smaller groups: one group to clean the Lean-to, one to place adhesive strips on our boardwalks, and one to remove an invasive species near the trail entrance.
While the volunteers labored away to make Little’s Lake even greater, visitors from Siena College were able to take the boats out and observe the work from afar. A small team of five raked up the leaves and piled the sticks near the Lean-To and cleared a path back to the bridge. A team of about five swept the boardwalks and placed adhesive tape for better grip for our visitors. Lastly, a team of about six cut, collected, tied up and disposed of invasive species plaguing some of the land. Smiles were had by all after two and a half hours of intensive work that Made A HUGE Difference. Our wonderful volunteers received memberships from Little’s Lake so they can come back and enjoy the spoils of their labor! Thank you Delta Sigma Pi for your service to W.C. Little Memorial Park, you shown us how #dspserves.
If you or a group are interested in volunteering, please call the Caretaker: (518) 463-8585.